Wilkin & Sons (Tiptree) Essex United Kingdom
Wilkin & Sons is a Jam factory that also runs a farm of soft fruit farm. On this site, they use the wastewater from the jam factory and mix it with collected rain water in order to irrigate the soft fruit farm. This causes a lot of organic activities and aggressive growth of algae which blocks the filtration system and the hydraulic mechanism of the irrigation systems that support approx. 40ha of soft fruit production.

Project ID
Essex, United KingdomSystem
Floating systemYear
2021Prevent blooming of algae in the reservoir and biofilm in the irrigation water.
In November 2021, a NANO+ Ozone Nanobubble System was installed. The system started operating around the middle of February and kept running throughout the growing season.
Although the summer of 2022 was exceptionally hot in the UK, the application of the Ozone Nanobubble System prevented the blooming of the algae with a fantastic effect on the water quality.
This also removed old biofilm which built up in the irrigation system and prevented it from causing blockages in the hydraulic system.
The application of the Ozone Nanobubble technology by NANO+ was the right solution and performed very successfully during extreme conditions to the full satisfaction of the end user.
This allowed Wilkin & Sons to utilize their wastewater from the jam factory for irrigation purposes and recycle the water and significantly reduce their impact on the environment by reducing their consumption of fresh water.